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Change in Formal Squad Sessions – effective from Tuesday 21 December

Caithness 10k Start Lists and Guidelines

Please find below the link to the start lists with your wave for Sunday.  Please note that you cannot change waves or arrive late to run.

Full instructions are held within the guidelines attached, and are required to keep us compliant due to Covid-19 guidelines for permitted races.
Any questions please contact us (phone numbers attached).
Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
Many thanks,
Sophie and Donna

Thursday night training returns as of 5 November

Following the success of the introduction of NHH squad training, we are now in a position to add a 2nd squad night.  From the 2nd November, NHH members can access squad training on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5.30pm in both Thurso and Wick.  Both sessions will be rep sessions planned to provide a good balance across pace or hills to develop your aerobic base specific to this time of the year.

The coaches are working hard to provide these sessions so remember to say ‘thanks’ when the session is over 🙂

Final Trail Points – 2019/20

The trail points for 2019/20 were a bit delayed due to lockdown, but overall points can be found here and the pace points can be found here.

On the overall points the top three ladies were 1 – Fiona Bremner, 2 – Julieanne Leslie and 3 – Mel Hayes and the top three men were 1 – Paul Steven, 2 – Malcolm Lord and 3 – David Spencer.

On the pace points the top three ladies were 1 – Fiona Bremner, 2 – Julieanne Leslie and 3 – Marnie Ker and the top three men were 1 – Paul Steven, 2 – Malcolm Lord and 3 – Michael Aitken.

Congratulations to our top threes, well done to everyone who took part and a massive thank you to everyone who works to put on the trail series.


Return to Training – 28 August Update

Member Guidelines
Return to training. Please ensure you read these before attending training. Any questions please e-mail
We have been waiting since the 23rd March and finally have the green light to return to structured squad training. We all want to do this in a safe manner and as such every club member attending squads MUST read the following SA Guidelines for Athletes:
All runners attending squad sessions MUST be current NHH members; there is no exception to this rule which is required for us to record and maintain records of attendance and pass onto relevant authorities if required whilst complying with GDPR.
As an off-track club, we will be forming squad bubbles of up to 15 runners including the Coach/Jog Leader. Due to coaching numbers, we will be able to accommodate a maximum of 30 members and coaches. Members should turn up at training ideally 10min before squad to allow a record of all runners to be taken for government contact tracing purposes. Members are not permitted to arrive after the session has started.
To being with, the following club sessions are being offered:
  • Wick – Tuesday, 5.30pm, Riverside carpark – reps
  • Thurso – Tuesday, 5.30pm, Riverside Hut – reps
Once you arrive at training you will be allocated a squad bubble with your own Coach / Jog Leader and you must stay in that squad bubble for the full session. Social distancing must be adhered to before and after sessions but is not a requirement during the actual session, i.e. from the point we start a warm up to the point we finish a warm down. If you leave part way through the session, please remember to let your Coach/Jog Leader know and leave the area immediately.
We are aware that for some members the prospect of going from running solo for 5 months to coming back to a full squad may be quite daunting. We will be there when you are ready. If you have any worries, and think you may need additional support or would just like a friendly chat please do not hesitate to contact the Welfare Officer using the e-mail address.
Whilst at training, we must also be very mindful of the public and considerate of their shared right to access paths and pavements and the need to maintain social distancing;
having to stop for 5sec to let someone through a narrow section will not affect your world record attempt.
Members should bring everything to training that you need, as there will be no sharing of equipment, eg water bottles, and you must be responsible for all of your personal belongings.
Members are strongly reminded not to turn up for training if any of the advice in Section 1 of the SA Guidelines for Athletes applies to you. In accordance with the national NHS Test and Protect scheme if you test positive for COVID-19 you will be asked to provide details of all people you have been in close contact with. If you have attended training you do not need to identify the other members, but simply provide the e-mail address to the Contact Tracers.

Festive Running

Festive running schedule below:

Monday 23rd – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Tuesday 24th – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Tuesday 24th – Rep session, Thurso, 2pm, meet at Riverside Hut, Thurso The session might be on grass if still frosty, so take trails and trainers

Thursday 26th – Boxing Day Hash, 11am Dunnet Forest

Thursday 26th – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Friday 27th – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Friday 27th – Hill rep session, Thurso, 11am, meet at Riverside Hut, Thurso

Saturday 28th – Thurso parkrun, 9.30am

Saturday 28th – Scarben run, meet 8.00am in Wick Co-op for car share

Tuesday 31st – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Tuesday 31st – Rep session, Thurso, 11am, meet at Riverside Hut, Thurso The session might be on grass if still frosty, so take trails and trainers


Wednesday 1st – Dorrery Dash, 11am

Friday 3rd – Packrun, Wick, 10am, meet at the Railway Station

Friday 3rd – Hill rep session, Thurso, 11am, meet at Riverside Hut, Thurso

Saturday 4th – Thurso parkrun, 9.30am

Sunday 5th – Packrun, Thurso, 10am, meet at Thurso Riverside Hut, 8miles