Beginners Groups
North Highland Harriers stage 1 Beginners Groups will start on Monday 13th January 2025 in both Wick and Thurso:
Wick – Monday night, 6.00pm, Wick Youth Club
Thurso – Monday night, 5.30pm, Thurso Squash Club
Return beginners and new beginners are all welcome!
The sessions are led by qualified jog leaders and begin with just 30 second jogs at a time. Jogging is always at your own pace!
Before attending, please read the physical activity questionnaire available here, and if possible print off, complete, and bring with you to the session (there will also be copies available at the session).
You can register with Jog Scotland here – it’s free; or, wait to try a couple of sessions and then register later.
If you’re on facebook please watch the North Highland Harriers facebook page for last minute information about sessions.
Look forward to seeing you there!
1. Please write the following information on a sheet of paper and bring to the session:
Name of Jogger:
Phone number of Jogger:
Person to contact in case of Emergency:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Emergency Contact Relationship:
Are you participating in this activity programme AGAINST your doctor’s advice?
Please detail any medical / health conditions you have which you think your Jog Leader should know about prior to you taking part:
2. Please register with jog scotland here before attending a session.
3. If you’re on facebook watch the North Highland Harriers facebook page for last minute information about sessions