The trail points for 2019/20 were a bit delayed due to lockdown, but overall points can be found here and the pace points can be found here.
On the overall points the top three ladies were 1 – Fiona Bremner, 2 – Julieanne Leslie and 3 – Mel Hayes and the top three men were 1 – Paul Steven, 2 – Malcolm Lord and 3 – David Spencer.
On the pace points the top three ladies were 1 – Fiona Bremner, 2 – Julieanne Leslie and 3 – Marnie Ker and the top three men were 1 – Paul Steven, 2 – Malcolm Lord and 3 – Michael Aitken.
Congratulations to our top threes, well done to everyone who took part and a massive thank you to everyone who works to put on the trail series.